Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Let's get started!

Hello, my name is Caitlin. I am beginning a MBA program in Sustainable Systems and this is a blog chronicling my adventures in capitalism. I'm looking forward to learning about the history of capitalism and the systems that make it function, systems that have brought on crisis, and new systems that can re-imagine our shared future.

My background is primarily in the non-profit sector specifically working with youth, developing programs, and building community allies. I look forward to combining what I've learned in a mission-driven environment to a deeper understanding of how businesses operate and create meaningful value.

While I am very excited about the subject matter we will explore in this program, what really compelled me to start was the quality of the learning community. I can't wait to engage with my classmates, faculty and sustainable community as we wrestle with new ideas and create models to change the world for good.

Time to get started!


  1. You are an amazing being. I am so glad I get to work with you. You have such an awareness of self, and a reassuring and gentle, and a powerful mind! Thank you! C12 - Right Place, Right Time

  2. Hi Caitlin, I just found out that 1 of my blog comments got "lost in the process" so the teaching assistants have asked me to respond to someone's blog. I decided on yours because I don't think I've read any of your posts yet. Thanks for your intro, I like your forward thinking about creating a new system for a better future. I couldn't agree more. Also, I read your other post about systems diagramming and you make a great point about the need to ask the right questions in order to solve a problem. I was so moved by the Life and Debt documentary that I created a systems diagram in order to understand the impact of the IMF and the leverage points that the Jamaican gov't/citizens had to intervene. In all honesty, though, I'll probably sit down at some point and reexamine/redo the diagram because I could have asked better questions as I was creating the diagram. Systems diagraming is fascinating and thank you for evaluation/experience. As a side note, I really enjoy what you bring to our cohort and I look forward to future classes with you! I hope you enjoyed your holidays.-Hillary
